Welcome to Bhavana. Here you will find a renewed weekly practice that will include Bhavana’s three tools:

Yin yoga



All three of these practices will work in harmony to form a curated weekly schedule that is built to serve you and your goals. I welcome Bhavana members to find the freedom in knowing that the schedule is simply a  recommendation. I want you to connect with yourself and ask  “what do I need today”? From there you can build on, or ease off, as much as you need. Only you know what's best for yourself and I encourage you to lean into that wisdom. 

What I can promise is that with regular practice through Bhavana, your life will become enriched in ways you might not have thought were possible. We’re working from the inside out, where all the magic happens. Resilience is formed, compassion cultivated, and confidence + certainty attained.

Let’s begin. 

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